The Deserted Thoughts...!!!

As the lips nimble,
to speak out those words.
The words,
that should have been said long ago.

As the heart aches,
to beat out those love.
The love,
that should have been bestowed long ago.

A sudden burst of feelings,
engulf my thoughts,
the thoughts that sparkle,
in this deserted night.

The twinkling stars,
the shining moon,
against the clouds peeping through,
against my wish,
like the thoughts that arose,
I remember your name,
your face once more!!!

Is this a dream, I'm feeling in?
or gazing through the past,
in search of you!!!
The darkness surrounds,
with a hint of a snooze,
your whispering thought don't let me do.

The clock is ticking to remind me once,
the name has faded,
the face has blurred.
But against my wish,
against my thoughts,
I cherish your name,
your face once more!!!


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